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Recreation Committee Minutes 2010/03/10
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Minutes of the March IOlh 20 I0 meeting.
Scott Blewitt, Paul Skarin, Patricia Halpin, Chuck Weinstein, Brian Garland, Craig Heino and
Leon Davey.
Meeting Agenda,
I) The results of the recent town warrant articles.
2) Summer soccer requests ($500 )
3)Spring sports overview.
4)Facility priority list.
5) Program registration fees.
6) Ski tow hill trail system.
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted.
Agenda la)
The $12,000 for the Dewey Beach ADA bathroom passed, which was good news.
Scott has contacted Peter White of Sunapee and obtained a quote of $1900 to draw up a plan of the
existing beach hut, for review by any departments ( Zoning etc ). It will require an additional quote
for the design ofthe new ADA bathroom etc. Scott will call Peter White to get this.
Agenda Ib)
The vote for the $25,000 appropriation for maintaining sports fields etc was lost by onlyj. votes. We
agreed to have someone ask for a recount. Since the meeting, Brian has officially asked for the
recount, which should take place on Thursday March ISlh
. ~ ~ I ..o'e.
Agenda 2)
Some discussion took place on the Summer soccer request for $500. A vote accepted this request.
Agenda 3)
On the spring sports overview, Scott said there might be late spring Tennis, Basketball starts in about
2 weeks. Paul said the Volleyball net had been removed from the HS. Gym. and it was ok'd to use
the net in Sherburne gym.
Agenda 4)
The facility priority list, Scott has had some discussion with Donna Nashawaty. It was suggested we
formulate a 10 yr.plan, but we thought it premature. Scott did ask each of us to compile a list of
projects we think should be addressed, including· costs if possible.Please e-mail him with this by the
next meeting. Scott did mention that the fields do get aeriated and seeded each year.!t was also
thought to be good to compile an inventory list of all our assets, beach, basketball etc.
Agenda 5)
Some discussion took place on reviewing program registration fees, but most present
thought the existing fees were adequate and no need to review at this time. Scott insisted
we keep the kids in the correct age group. It was mentioned that the Upper Valley (?)
soccer group asked if they could use one of our fields and goals and were willing to pay
$25 per day. No decisions were made on this.
Lake Sunapee Rowing Club asked if they could use the Georges Mills beach for
launching their boats 4 days per week, 6-8 am. This committee agreed this would be OK.
It was asked if the club members were all Sunapee residents. Scott said about 1/3 were
and the other 2/3 were not.
At this time Paul mentioned that UNH had had a boat house fue and lost practically
everything. He asked if any of us had any equipment we could donate to them.
Agenda 6)
The ski tow hill trail system was discussed. The SRK Greenway was mentioned. We
would need trail maintenance. It was recommended we construct a hut, to be available on
site. Pat said she would contact Vann Webb, ref trail locations etc.
Paul offered to talk to the Stockers, to try to obtain a granite block to be placed at the
entrance to the trails. A suitable engraved plate could be mounted on the granite face to
bear the name of the site.
It was the consensus of this meeting that we should start doing things on this site ASAP,
to make it usable "when the mud dries". It was suggested we might create a small ski area
where the kids could practice, before attempting the bigger slopes. Volunteer help is
The meeting adjourned at 8.03pm
Respectfully submitted:- Leon H Davey